21 August, 2009

Punchline of the day:

'Start something new'
-Shopper Stop


1)loggerhead, Atlantic Ridley, Painted and Green are four different species of
ans: Turtles

2)PETA stands for
ans: People for Ethical Treatment of Animals

3)Member Countries of the Coral triangle?
ans: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papa New Guinea, Philipines, Soloman Islands & Timor leste

4)Theme for World Environment day 2009?
ans: 'Your Planet Needs You - Unite to Combat Climate Change'.(5June)

5)The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is
ans: Amazon river

6)How many legs do butterflies have?
ans: 6 legs & 2 pairs of wings

7)What is the second major source of energy after oil?
ans: Natural gas


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