19 August, 2009

Punchline of the day:

'Fly the good times'
-Kingfisher Airlines


1)First Indian to get an Oscar?
ans: Bhanu Athaiya(for Gandhi, best costume designer)

2)Who os called Haryana Hurricane?
ans: Kapil Dev

3)Who has written 'The Sea Gull', a play that has revolutionized the concept of subtext?
ans: Anton Chekov

4)Who holds world record for 100 metres?
ans: Usian Bolt , Jamaica(9.58 seconds)

5)India's first test tube baby?
ans: Kanupriya, nicknamed Durga(3, october, 1978)

6)Who has been named victor of the 2009 Pritzer Prize, the highest recognition for architects?
ans: Peter Zumthor

7)Winner of Pantaloons Femina Miss India Universe, who gets an opportunity to represent India at Miss Universe pageant in 2009?
ans: Ekta Chowdhry


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